Candy Corn Flower Pots
There is just something so cute about candy corn! I don’t like eating it, but I love any decoration that uses it, or looks like it! When candy corn starts showing up in stores, even though it starts in the summertime now, it immediately makes me happy. I am a sucker for any “happy” Halloween decoration, and candy corn themed decor is always bright and happy.
These little flower pots are easy to make, because it only requires paint! I think it is funny how much we are encouraged to paint as kids, like my son right now as a two-year-old, but never seem to “find the time” in our adult years. No matter what I am painting, it is always fun. That’s why I am always looking for a reason to paint something! There really is something so therapeutic about it. Maybe it is a reminder of our childhood, when we used to paint all of the time! I recommend using this craft as an excuse to paint.
The lines don’t have to be perfect. I started getting caught up in making the lines straight and perfect, about found that the craft actually looked better when the lines blurred together. It made it look more rustic, and artistic. You can put flowers in these pots, but since I go through basil like a crazy person, I thought I would add some beautiful green color to the Halloween themed pots.
I tried using “outdoor paint” on these at first. The paint was frustrating, and appeared streaky! My favorite paint that I can recommend to you is the Martha Stewart Acrylic Craft Paint. If you are at Michael’s then this is the one to try. You can also order these online on Amazon.
It’s a beautiful take on a classic Halloween Candy!
Orange, White, Yellow and Black Paint
Flower Pots With Matching Dish; and size you like
Rubber Bands
Foam Paint Brushes
Black Wire Ribbon; optional
*Place the rubber bands on the flower pots, separating it into thirds
*Paint the bottom third yellow, and the top third white
*Allow to dry, and apply a second layer
*Repeat if needed
*Remove the rubber bands, and paint the middle third orange
*Allow to dry, paint again, and repeat until the appearance is smooth and evenly covered
* Use the paint brush to blend the lines of all three colors, so that it looks smooth and blended together
*Paint the dish to the flower pot black; two coats, or more if needed
*Once everything is completely dry, at least 24 hours, place a plant into the flower pot
*Place the flower pot on the black painted dish
*Tie a bow around the bottom with the black wire ribbon for an even more feminine look; optional, but worth it!