Diaper Cake

I was really sad that I had to miss my sister-in-laws baby shower. Since I wasn’t going to be able to make her a real cake I thought the next best thing would be a diaper cake. That way I could drop it off ahead of time to leave with the host of the party, and it makes for a cute decoration as well. It’s actually pretty easy! I picked up a baby themed paper circle from Michael’s Arts and Crafts, but you can use any large platter.

You will need around 76 diapers for the cake. I used two packs of “newborn” diapers. You will also need 7-10 large rubber-bands (I had a bunch saved up from the grocery store, but you can get them at a craft or office supply store), and around 80 small rubber-bands (I recommend clear if you can find them). Use a bottle of shampoo or baby oil in the middle to build the diapers around it.
First roll each diaper and wrap with the small rubber-band.
Place about 8-10 diapers around the bottle and secure with a larger rubber-band. It does help to do this with another person….. I did manage it by myself, but not without a few rubber-band snaps!
The second group is about 15 diapers. Secure with another large rubber-band.
The last group on the bottom layer is about 20-22 diapers. Secure with another large rubber-band.
Start your second layer with about 8-9 diapers. Secure with another large rubber-band.
The next circle is about 14-15 diapers. Secure with another large rubber-band.
Your top layer will be about 8-9 diapers. Make sure that there is one placed over the cap of the bottle. Secure with a large rubber-band.
In order to hide the rubber-bands you will need to cover them with ribbon of your choice. I did pink and blue because my sister-in-law doesn’t know if she is having a boy or girl yet.
Wrap enough ribbon around to conceal the rubber-bands.
I bought some other baby decorations from the craft supply to add a little more detail.
If you can find a platter instead of a paper bottom that would be best. The diapers slide around on the paper and make transporting it much more difficult!