
Well, it has happened…I have become a soccer mom! Watching Grant play soccer over the past few years has been really fun, but this year is a whole new ball game. His team has been together for about the past four seasons (Fall and Spring), and they are completely obsessed. They LOVE playing soccer and they LOVE playing with each other! The boys are extremely serious and intense when it comes to soccer. I happen to be very serious and intense when it comes to DIY! Ha Ha! Ok maybe not in the same way as soccer, but you know I love a good DIY, and now that I am a “soccer mom,” I had to come up with a good idea for the team when it was my turn to bring the snack.


These soccer ball treat holders are so fun and a perfect way to add a touch of DIY to the day. The best part, they are SO inexpensive because they are made from paper plates!


Grant is in the process of perfecting his scissor cutting at school, so this is also a good DIY to get the kids involved with for a number of reasons!

Supplies for DIY Soccer Ball Treat Holders:

paper plates


hot glue

spray adhesive (a glue stick works as well)

black pentagon shapes; I simply found a black shape by searching online and printed 6 for each soccer ball on regular white printer paper



Cut the outside of the paper plates so they are more of a flat circle

Cut out 6 black pentagon shapes for each circle

Use the spray adhesive on the back of each pentagon shape and secure it onto the paper plate to look like a soccer ball!

TIP: I found that the spray adhesive works the best because it easily covers the entire piece of paper AND is much stronger than other adhesives. Make sure to work quickly. (Also, work on a covered surface in a well-ventilated area)

Cut off any extra parts of the black pentagons around the outside of the ball

Use a hot glue gun to glue two soccer balls together leaving a few inches unglued at the top to add in your treats

TIP: You could also add your treats in the center if you want the entire thing to be sealed like a present.

Fill your “soccer ball” with your treat of choice! Grant loves Chocolate Pocky, so that is what we chose to add into the holders. They are a perfect little sweet treat for the end of the game, and the kids really loved them. They also happen to fit perfectly into the DIY Soccer Ball Treat Holders. I left the tops of them popping out because I liked how they looked, but you could put them all the way in as well.




