Reindeer Food
How cute!? I was trying to figure out what to make for the ugly sweater party we were going to, and when I couldn’t find my friend’s recipe for puppy chow (aka muddy buddy) I had to create my own! My friend, Amy, has been making puppy chow since I have known her, and it’s the best thing ever! It’s like extra chocolate, extra powdered sugar, extra everything, and she has it mastered. With that as my inspiration I simply had to wing it to see what I could come up with. I kept the basics… peanut butter, powdered sugar, chocolate, and cereal. Instead I used dark chocolate, only a little powdered sugar, added pretzels, and M&M’s! This is the most addicting food ever. I love dark chocolate and there is just enough powdered sugar to make it stick together which lets some of the other flavors shine. Pretzels add that nice salty flavor that I just love paired with the sweetness. Then the M&M’s add an extra crunch!
My son is really into reindeer this season! He’s almost 15 months and I am teaching him where his nose is so he gets excited when I sing “Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer.” It made me think that it would be really fun to name this creation of mine “Reindeer Food.” So, why not display this in a little reindeer pot!? These are really easy and would be cute for place settings or party favors.
Reindeer Food
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/4 cup butter
10 oz Dark Chocolate (usually one package is about 10 oz)
4 cups salted pretzels
6 cups rice cereal (Chex or Crispex)
2 cups powdered sugar
2 cups M&M’s
10 oz white chocolate (optional)
*Place a large bowl over a pot slightly filled with simmering water; making sure the water doesn’t touch the bowl (otherwise known as a double boiler)
*Place the peanut butter, butter, and chocolate in the bowl and stir until melted
*This can also be done in the microwave, but be careful not to burn it
*Remove the bowl from heat and add in the pretzels and cereal
*Toss to combine making sure everything is well coated
*Stir in the M&M’s and powdered sugar
*Use a spatula to toss everything to make sure it’s evenly coated; you may need to use your hands a bit too
*Lay out a long sheet of wax paper onto the counter
*Pour the chocolate covered cereal onto the wax paper to allow it to set up
*If you want to add the white chocolate you can melt it the same way as the dark chocolate and add a little bit of butter
*Use a spoon or piping bag to drizzle the white chocolate over the chocolate covered cereal
a small flower pot or cardboard flower pot (you can find both at the craft store)
brown paint
black paint
a silver bell (or if you can find red)
red glitter
glue gun
*Paint the flower pot brown
*Allow to dry
*If you want to use a silver bell for the nose you can cover it with glue and roll it around in red glitter; allow to dry
*If you can find a red bell or small red ornament that can work as well
*Use black paint to paint on the eyes
*Use a glue gun to attach the bell as the nose
* For the antlers I simply glued in the wrapped candy canes, but you could simply tape them instead
*Place a small amount of wax paper on the bottom of the pot to cover the hole
*Fill with reindeer food!
*These make cute place settings or party favors